UBC consistently ranks as one of the world's top research universities, implementing outstanding research that contributes to the educational mission of the university and creating an improved quality of life around the world. To support this high-caliber of research, UBC launched the Advanced Research Computing (ARC) team to meet the growing demand for digital research infrastructure, resources and services.
The ARC team is an institutionally dedicated group that provides support at no cost for researchers across all disciplines that have large data and computational needs. Essentially, this kind of research generates large scale datasets and makes use of advanced computing technologies, including high network speed, big data storage, data analytics platforms, and advanced visualization tools, to name a few.
ARC works in partnership with VP Research + International Office (VPRI), UBC IT, UBC Library, Compute Canada and other strategic partners to broaden scientific and technical support offered to researchers. Since the team started in 2015, ARC has engaged with several research groups to house infrastructure in the University Data Centre and provided pre-award consultations to determine IT needs required as part of research funding applications. Visit the ARC website to learn more about what opportunities are available.